0,00 EGP
- Sells less than 5 units per month
- Providing services or advice in exchange for money
- You are still deciding what products you want to sell
- 2% commission on every sale or service
50 Products
60 Days
60 Days
99,00 EGP
- sells less than 40 units per month
- Providing services or advice in exchange for money
- you are still deciding what products you want to sell
- you want to use advanced selling tools, such as APIs and reports
- advertising 10 products in special places on the site
- advertise 10 products in special places on the site. The advertisement has a validity period of 5 days and you can renew it
- Make 1 advertisement for your products on social media platforms: Facebook – Instagram – TikTok. The advertisement will be on itlista pages.
- qualify for a top spot on product detail pages
advanced selling tools, such as APIs [dropshipping] and reports - sell products in categories that require approvals
- 2% commission on every sale or service
40 Products
In every 1 month
In every 1 month